'I would have no hesitation to anyone recommending a trombone lesson with Nick.'
David Thornber - retired professional

1:1 Coaching with Nick Sholl

 Harness your full musical intuition at the trombone!

You always wanted to play Trombone properly but never had the opportunity?

 You're a seasoned player but want to improve your Basics and explore more intuitive approaches to playing?  

You want to improve with very limited time?  

Then you're in the right place!  

Nick is an expert Bass Trombone, Euphonium and Tuba teacher with over ten years experience.  He specialises in helping adult amateur trombonists boost their trombone playing in limited time and discover new joy at the instrument.  

His specialist areas include:  

 - Intuitive learning: unlock your inner voice to access your full musical potential
 - Bodily relaxation: discover how good a maximum relaxation approach can feel
 - Connect your subconscious music library with the trombone to progress quicker and easier
 - Individually chosen exercises to address and conquer your struggles
Contact Nick to arrange your comprehensive "Deep Dive" lesson: live in Mönchengladbach or Online!
Email: nick@nicksholltrombone.com

Course Pricing

Meet and Greet Chat


  • A call or video chat to get to know one another discuss further possibilities.

    • Appointment arranged via Email
    • Valid for 60 days after purchase
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75m. "Deep Dive" Lesson


    • Video Recording (online lesson)
    • Individual recommendations for further practice
    • 1 month access to VIP Members Area
    • Valid for 60 days after purchase
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Most popular

5x60m Coaching (Payment Plan)

3 payments of


per month

  • 3 Installments

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5x 60m. Individual Coaching


    • Save €17 with full purchase
    • Video Recording (online lesson)
    • Individual recommendations for further study
    • 5 month Access to "VIP Members Area"
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"He is very clear to explain how to achieve the notes, how to breath and how to hold your body in a safe way to ensure you have many years of joy at the instrument.

Even I got inspiration for my own teaching and playing."

Testimonial from Pablo Ruiz Henao
Bass Trombone, Christchurch Symphony Orchestra

Nicholas Sholl


After studying with great teachers in London, Canada and The Netherlands (Ben van Dijk) Nick has built a colourful career as Trombone Instructor in Mönchengladbach, Germany.

He specialises in giving his students a solid foundation at the instrument utilising his "Song & Wind" methodology. This connects your inner voice with the instrument providing a direct and satisfying approach to making music.

Nach einem vielfältigen Studium mit den besten Lehrern in London, Kanada und Holland (mit Ben van Dijk) unterrichtet Nick seit 10 Jahren in Mönchengladbach Posaune. 

Er ist Spezialist darin, Anfängern einen gründlichen Start mit soliden Grundlagen zu vermitteln. Seine erfolgreiche "Song & Wind" Methode bietet einen einfachen Weg von der 'inneren Stimme' zur Posaune zu kommen.