After studying with great teachers in London, Canada and The Netherlands (Ben van Dijk) Nick has built a colourful career as Trombone Instructor in Mönchengladbach, Germany.
He specialises in giving his students a solid foundation at the instrument "without baggage" -> to the point, effective and motivating. In particular, learning to play intuitively "by ear" is a strong focus in Nick's teaching. This helps to connect your inner voice with the instrument providing a direct and satisfying approach to making music.
Nach einem vielfältigen Studium mit den besten Lehrern in London, Kanada und Holland (mit Ben van Dijk) unterrichtet Nick seit 10 Jahren in Mönchengladbach Posaune.
Er ist Spezialist darin, Anfängern einen gründlichen Start mit soliden Grundlagen zu vermitteln. Seine intuitive und effektive Methodik bietet einen einfachen Weg von deiner 'inneren Stimme' zur Posaune zu kommen.
Top Rated
Christopher Barrett
Playing by Ear!
The first this I noticed about the Bone Basics Course is that students end up playing by ear without even thinking about it. Nick has created exercises which feel natural on the instrument and lay the groundwork for a much more intuitive approach to the instrument generally, whether you are playing by ear or reading the dots!
Moses William
Wow, I had always wished for a day like this, thanks To Nick... Can't wait for the morning to begin my lesson... Really great.. I love this
James Kessler Kessler
Comprehensive beginner course
This is a well-paced course for beginning trombone students. Everything one needs to get started is included. It's quite comprehensive.
Henrique Gil
The best short trombone's course
Now you can stop searching another course. This is the best beginner course of the web
Pablo Ruiz Henao
Great explanations and clear instructions!!
Nick has done a great job on this course, he has gone to great lengths in order to show very clearly and explain how to use the instrument, as a tool for making music. I am very impressed by the way he managed to get you playing very much from day one, by including "real life" examples of how and when the first tones are used, like on the Happy birthday song, or Frére Jacques song. So, you are off to a flying start and actually playing trombone from the very beginning. As a professional player, and low brass tutor, I found Nick's course a very inspirational and very educational resource, very surely if you play your first notes along with this course, you will have a great beginning! I highly recommend this course.
Sonya Ramsey
S. Ramsey - Hobbyist Musician
Nick is an amazing teacher and truly cares about helping his students succeed. I highly suggest you enroll in his course. You won't regret it!
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